Sawyer & Evan

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

DAY 16: 29 Weeks!!!

I'm 29 weeks today!!! One more week until I am 30 weeks, which is important because the neonatologist said my first week here, that when they are brought babies born 30 weeks, they can breathe a sigh of relief because they do so well usually. She said often they do not even need ventilators to help them breathe! So, I'm really happy to be one week closer, though of course I'm really hoping to go as long as possible :)

Today we had the growth ultrasound! It was quick one compared to the ones we would have at the Baylor Clinic, and the tech that came to us was from Baylor. The babies are still head down, with baby a still lowest. The macine estimated that baby a was 2lbs 7oz and that b weighed 3lbs 3oz . I think baby a is still measuring average and b above average.

At the 26 week checkup it was estimated they weighed- A: 1 lb 15 oz    B: 2lbs 7oz

I am glad to see they are both growing well! I was a bit worried if being on bedrest would affect their development, but it appears not! I guess Tubs and Tiny- which Aaron so affectionately dubbed them as while in utero- is still fitting!! (aaron is also the one who named the stray kittens we had taken in for a while fat stinks and scaredy stinks- which they were called that for months!)


Other than that, nothing new really- they changed my monitoring sessions from one hour each to thirty minutes- which is the norm. Babies are moving well and look fine on the monitors. Aaron will be off the next 3 days :) Aaron's birthday is Janurary 2nd!!! I think he is working days that day.

glucose 95, ???, 110

Monday, December 28, 2009

DAY 15: Aaron :)

8:30 pm
 As usual not much new to tell. Still having 3-4 contractions an hour. Babies look fine as usual, and have been cooperating lately- often before they would move so much the monitors would lose their heartbeats! I felt two bouts of the hiccups today, I think both times it was the same baby (a). Today they went ahead and started me on the low dose insulin pills one time a day. I took them at lunch and don't feel any side effects thus far :)  Growth Ultrasound tommorrow!!! Can't wait!!!

Aaron went back to work nights today-he had the previous four days off in a row and he was here on each one of his days off :) and every day previous. I was sad he had to go back to work, but he will back 8am tommorrow!

What I think some may not realize, it is almost as though Aaron and I are both on bedrest! Aaron of course chooses to be here and in doing so has to endure the hospital room doldrums right along side me! Even if you have the option of mobility, there is not much else to do in our room other than to sit or lay down and watch t.v or play on Lindsey's laptop. Also he has to buy his food every day, which had consisted of mainly fastfood and I know he has to be tired of it. Luckily!!! We now have a fridge!!! His mom came over the next day and it was stocked with chili, gumbo, & white rice :) Probably, the only other home cooked meal he has had in the past 15 days was Christmas Dinner brought by Kathryn and his Dad!

I'm really happy that Aaron is up here all the time with me he can be. He takes me on wheelchair rides to get me out of the room and has to push me around-which every time he tries to get me to agree to use the escalator or stairs. He helps me alot in the room and always lets me have at least just a sip of coke, since any more is off limits.

He is so helpful, great company and I love him.

Glucose: 110, ???, 134

Sunday, December 27, 2009

DAY 14: 2 Weeks Now!

9:30 am

I cannot believe it has already been two weeks! For me, the time has gone quickly so far. I still have just over week till I am 30 weeks and will learn if they are going to keep me or try and put me on an oral medication and release me.


It really did not feel very much like Christmas spending it in the hospital, that is, until our family came by for a visit. That was definitely the highlight of our day Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Not only did they come bearing gifts, they came with Christmas Dinner and Deserts!!! And we enjoyed it very, very much.


There is really not too much new to tell, which the doctors say no change is a good thing. I'm still monitored three times day for an hour at 9am, 3pm, and before 10 pm. Contractions that I cannot feel still appear on the screen, but are few and far apart.

I will be having an ultrasound next Tuesday to check on the babies growth, hopefully Aaron will be able to see them too!

Glucose levels today: 104, 87, 102

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Day 10: Glucose Test Results

Interval         Abnormal reading           Mine 

Fasting         95 mg/dl or higher             95

1 hour           180 mg/dl or higher            214
2 hours         155 mg/dl or higher             210

3 hours          140 mg/dl or higher            142

They are going to try to control my glucose levels by diet and check my levels every morning before my first meal and two hours after every meal. If it controlling my diet is sufficient, there will be no need for an insulin shot. I think the test is rigged... just kidding just kidding.

I'm about to be put on all the monitors again, which in case you don't know are the contraction monitor and two fetal heart rate monitors. We dislike all three equally because for me, my belly doesn't like the added pressure and I'm guessing for the babies it makes them more crowded. But, I will take an hour of monitoring three times day rather the dreaded continuous! :)

Also, I'm getting a longer leash... I mean IV line!! The Good: showering much easier :)  The Bad: More line for me tangle

Day 10

11:30 am

Nothing new so far today really. Still waiting on glucose test results. One good thing today: when I was put on the monitors this morning, I only had 3 contractions in one hour =)

Babies are moving well and look fine on the monitor. I believe they are going to schedule an ultrasound next week to check on he babies growth.

Other news: after today, Aaron is off the next four days!! :)

I hope everyone is doing well excited about tomorrow!! Eat plenty of green bean casserole and crunchy top potatoes!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Day 9

Glucose test is a go. We started at 5 am this morning and it will be over very soon. My results from the one hour two weeks ago was 151 which the cut off is 130-140 i think

Interval                 Abnormal reading

Fasting                  95 mg/dl or higher

One hour               180 mg/dl or higher

Two hours            155 mg/dl or higher

Three hours          140 mg/dl or higher

I spoke to  a doctor this morning, Dr. Carpenter. Goodness I have seen so many different ones since I have been here! He believes in his experience, that magnesium works best with multiples and advises that instead of taking chances with other options that i should stick with the magnesium sulfate IV till at least 30 weeks and then possibly re-evaluate.

Dr. Carpenter said that in his 30 years that he's only seen about two other patients have contractions like mine which are 4 or so in row, then nothing, then come back again and if he remembers correctly, they did end up having their babies early.

It seems everyone finds it strange that I feel nothing in relation to the contractions I have been having. Which makes me wonder if maybe my contractions are maybe just not very intense.

Anyway, as usual I feel just fine, and am thinking the babies are well too from all the jabs and pokes I have been getting from them this morning.

I have just been given clearance for leisurely wheelchair rides... i haven't been out of this room in soo long!

Just a note: everyone that comes in seems impressed by Lindsey's cute little laptop. Dr. Carpenter said his staff would tell him about it haha!  Thanks so much Linds for letting me borrow it! I have been able to keep up with our bills and xmas shopping :) or let me know if you need it back :)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Day 8

i have been at st. lukes for just over a week now. i will be 28 weeks tomorrow. they just took me off the monitor and i guess i am still having significant contractions that i still can not feel. the nurse is going to let the doctors know about them and will probably be in sometime today to check on me.

they monitor me every 8 hrs for one hour. this is when our little guys tend to be the most active. in fact i see monitoring pieces on my belly jump sometimes from thier kicking. i think the monitors annoy the babies just as much as they do me!

tommorrow should also be the day of the three hour glucose test. i hope i pass!

sure is interesting typing on my side!

i do not have my cell right now.