Sawyer & Evan

Sunday, May 15, 2011

For Evan & Sawyer

Dear Munchkins,

You are both 15 months old- almost 15 1/2 months, and I have felt very bad for not starting a baby book for you little guys.

Instead, I'm going to log our adventures together on here and one day I will print them out for you too, and this will serve as your Baby Book and much more :)

As I'm typing this right now, you two are playing in the sand box. You both love it outside soo much! You should see your reactions when I try to bring you back inside! Not very happy ones- Evan I'm sorry but your tantrums make me smile because it is just soo funny watching you stomp your little feet so fast in anger!!

Sawyer, you make the saddest little faces when your upset.

You both have tendency to throw yourselves backwards- which often leads to crying in pain.

Something you both have learned recently is spinning in circles!! I love it!! Itis so hilarious! Evan you put your little arm up almost like you playing Torro with a bull and Sawyer you like to use your new spinning skill to keep toys from your brother.

I love you two,
