Sawyer & Evan

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Birth Story

On Feburary 5th I was visiting my Doctor at the Baylor Clinic for the usual ultrasound and OB appointment.  My mother-in-law took me to this appointment since Aaron would not be home in time to take to me. After the ultrasound to make sure the boys were doing fine, I went to see the doctor.

Every week they do a check to make sure I was not dialating anymore, and in all my previous appointments, I had not. This time, she found that I was now 5 cm. She told me that I was going to be wheeled off to St. Lukes right away.

Of course, I was panicked, I was hopping to at least make it past 35 weeks and was worried about my babies. This was so unexpected, because I had not felt any different.

We called everyone to let them know what was going on, and Aaron was on his way to meet us at St. Lukes.

By the time we arrived at St. Lukes, I was 8 cm! I thought things were going to happen fast. I was feeling some discomfort, but nothing overbearing. I don't think I was ever in actual labor. After 6 hours of being 8 cm my water was broken. Nothing happened. A while later they started the Pitocin. Nothing happened. I can't remember if they administered the epidural before or after the Pitocin, probably because I was never in pain. (Although recieving the Epidural certainly was painful for me)

After a few hours of waiting the doctors told me that if labor did not start by 1 am they would like to perform a c-section. I was really hoping not to have a c-section, but they convinced me it was best since they knew the boys were fine now, and did not want to risk waiting for there to be a real emergency later to get them out.

At 1am I was still 8 cm and it had now been 12 hour of staying the same. Aaron was already dressed in scrubs and I was wheeled off to the operating room, in tears of course.

The c-section, for me, was the most pain and discomfort I have ever felt in my life. Even though I was awake I only remember them delivering one baby! I kept wondering when the other baby was going to come and finally aksed Aaron what was taking so long! I am so glad Aaron was in there with me. Having him in there was very comforting for me.

Sawyer and Evan were born two minutes apart, 1:46 am and 1:48 am. Our little guys were healthy and perfect.

Sawyer 4 lbs 4 oz 18 in
Evan 5lbs 6 oz 20 in

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 23: 34 Weeks!!

I knows its been awhile, but there has not been much to tell! I've just been hanging around at the apartment resting on my laurels all day... or really on my side.

I have had two ultrasounds since last Tuesday and of course the babies are looking great!!! One new thing... at my ultrasound yesterday the tech started laughing... I asked what is so funny? She replied that she could see that Tubs (B) had some little jelly (fat) rolls already!!! How cute!! I thought that was just soo sweet!!! And Aaron and I could even see the little rolls on the screen, it was too neat!!

I was suprised that they did not do a growth yesterday as they have been doing every three weeks, but I think it could be related to the guy who scheduled all my appointments till the 36th week was new. I hope they do one this Friday! I'm always curious of  how they are growing!

34 weeks is the intial date that my doctor wanted to see me make it too and we are here!!! I wonder how much longer these little guys will stay put! She was a bit skeptical that I would even make it this far, but really its all a guessing game!

They wanted me to stop taking the procardia (contraction inhibitor) at 34 weeks, but I'm going to wait till I see my doctor on Friday. I'm trying to hold these little guys in as long as possible soo I might be trying to be sneaky and take them just a few days longer..,

My cousin was was also on this medication and was told that is possible for labor to begin soon after she stopped taking it..... and she ended up needing to be induced a week (maybe two-can't remember exactly) later due to preeclampsia. So, her story gives me hope that its possible to last a a couple weeks longer after the medication stops.

The only thing that worries me is that it does seem like I have quite a few braxton hicks contractions everyday. They are painless, but sometimes its seems as though as soon after my belly goes soft its begins to harden again. So far though, they have amounted to nothing =)

I'm guilty of going to walmart today! But I did not walk.... I used thier little electric carts.... Those little guys are soo neat!!

Anyway..... the Lost Recap is on right now..... soooo I'll be on the couch...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 16: 33 WEEKS!

Yay! I'm 33 weeks today! My doctor was hoping I would make it to 34 weeks, and that is soo close now!! I'm hoping for 36 weeks!! If I last till 36 weeks, the babies will most likely be able to come home with us with no NICU time (Full term for twins is 36-37 weeks- depending on the source)!!!

Nothing new at the appointment today... babies are thriving. I found out today why we haven't gotten to see their cute little faces the last few ultrasounds.... they are facing my spine! All we see is the back of thier heads =( but that is still good enough for me, I can make out their little hands or feet every now and then.

For the doctor part, the only checks  performed were weight and blood pressure- both great and she spoke to us about what to do when I go into labor.... get to the hospital ASAP haha- I had asked because I would always hear that usually you wait until your so many minutes apart, and wasn't sure if I had to do the same.

We have no idea  when these little guys are going to come, so we are getting ready at home just in case they don't end up with an extended stay in the  hospital.

I can't believe we will get to meet them soon!!! We are soo excited!

In other news, we put the truck for sale on Craig's List finally so that we can get an SUV instead. We are thinking of getting a Pacifica, but we'll see =)  2003 Dodge Truck for Sale

Also we have to get rid of our computer desk- If anyone wants it they can have it! We bought it from Ikea a year or so ago.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 12: Nothing New Really

I had my second appointment for this week today- an  ultrasound and doctor appointment. The doctor said the babies look great! I was also checked to see if I had dialated any more, and I had not. I asked the doctor if I went into labor soon if they would try to stop it and she told me no since I have made it this far already.

I was worried coming to this appointment because my feet started swelling pretty good in the last few days, and somewhere I read it could be a sign a of preeclampsia.... but, its also just another common ailment during pregnancy! The doctor said I was fine and that my blood pressure has been great!

I felt very relieved after this appointment, and feel like I can continue as long as these babies will let me. I have been feeling great! Which I'm told I should feel miserable at this point. I feel no pelivic pressure (I did before I had to go into Labor and Delivery Dec. 13th), so walking is not painful and my belly is no longer tender to the touch or painful to move from one side to another- this also makes these frequent drives to Houston tolerable.

So far so good =)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 10: 32 Weeks

Yesterday I had an appointment at Baylor Clinic for a growth ultrasound and biophysical profile (measures the health of the babies). The babies are still looking great!! They are jumbled in my tummy prettty good!

This whole pregnancy I had been thinking that I could never feel my baby B's (Tubs) movement, becauseI mostly felt movement on my right side where A is. Today, however, I found out that A's little feet are by his head somehow, and it's B's feet that are kicking me on the upper right side! And, on a cute note, at the time they said that A's hand was kind of above B's head, so I kind of picture A with his arm around his brother!

They checked their estimated weights today and of course B is still bigger.

Last Ultrasound at 29 Weeks:
A: 2lbs 7 oz
B: 3lbs. 3.oz

Current approximate Weigh in:
A: 3lbs 9oz
B: 5lbs!! (yes my eyes were wide)

The doctor that looked appeared a bit suprised about thier continuing weight difference until he saw that there has been a weight difference since the begining and chalked it up to different DNA. He did check both their umbilical cords and saw that they were both getting an adequate amount of nutrition.

After the growth, they did the biophysical profile which the tech said is a common procedure when a patient has Gestational Diabetes and Preeclampsia (I have a mild case) among other things.  They recorded the babies moving to reassure the doctors that they are not sluggish, measured the amniotic fluid (adequate amount), perfomed a non stress test (I think), and recorded the babies as they were practicing breathing! They will have me come in for this twice a week.

The tech said that babies can turn their breathing on and off! They only practice when they want too- how funny! She had to give both babies a start with this strange buzzing and vibrating device to see if it would get them breathing or moving. She put the sound device right by their heads and it sure gave them a jolt! Poor babies!

And of course, I am 32 weeks today!!! It has now been a little over five weeks since the night I had to call Aaron at work to come home and take me to St. Lukes. And those of you who have heard how crazy I can be in a stressful situation like that (911 my kitties are scared!) can imagine how crazy I was at first!

Every day that these little guys stay inside, is for me, another day they do not have to be in the hospital. I am thankful for every day that passes and pray for many, many more!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 5: HOME!!!

That is correct!! I have been home since Monday night!! First the nurse comes in and asks if I have a blood pressure cuff (which I do not, but my Mother in Law does =) then a doctor pulls me out bed rest boogie at around 2pm. Usually I only see a doctor early the in the morning. She couldn't wait to tell me that I would be discharged that day and that one of Baylor doctors would be in later to give me instructions and more information. I was there for four weeks and one day and would be 31 weeks the next day.

I have to admit, I was worried and excited about going home. The ride home was a bit painful also and I ended up staying in state of increased discomfort for the next two days. I really thought that I was going to end up in the hospital by the time I went to the doctor again, which was only two days later! My doctor said that everything still looked good, and checked me to see if I had dialated more since I had felt some pain after leaving the hospital. I was still the same and fine to go home.

She did say that my a baby (tiny) is really low and could be the cause of the pain and discomfort I was feeling. She also said that she doubts I will make it to full term (36-37 weeks) and that I could go into labor anytime in the next few weeks!!! She would like to see me make it to 34 weeks. I will be 32 weeks next Tuesday =)

I still have to be on bed rest, take the procardia six times day, the insulin pill twice a day, check my blood pressure before I take the procardia, and weigh myself everyday.

I have to start going to my doctors twice a week now for ultrasounds to make sure the babies are fine. My next appointment is next Tuesday and Friday both for ultrasounds and Friday to also see a doctor.

  • Oh my, it is so great to be home!!
  • No more nurses waking me up to put me on the monitor, or prick my finger at six in morning.
  •  No more doctors coming in at five to six in the morning to ask me the same questions they asked me the day before (honestly if something had changed, I would not hesitate to let them know)
  • No more cleaning ladies coming everyday and leaving the strong scent of pinesol in the room.
  •  No more tiny bathroom!! No more having to deal with the staff (only a couple- most were great)that could very easily make our day a bit more unpleasant.
  • No more sometimes hour and half drive to work for Aaron!
  • Oh, and No more hospital food!!! =)

Today I had to go to a diabetes class, which my Dad took me to. It was good thing, because I think it opened his eyes to couple things and I had a good refresher of what they had told me last time I spoke with them while still in the hospital.
Oh and Christopher your in trouble because the battery in the truck died while in the parking garage and I was hungry!! Oh and the hospital is in trouble for not having jumping cables. Which reminds me, if you find a twenty on the console, its for Dad!

Thanks Lindsey and Dave (my Sister and Brother in law)!! The couch is working out wonderfully!!! I might even like it more than the bed because all I need are pillows to support my tummy instead of also needing some for my back!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 28: 4 weeks!

Good news today, the doctors are happy with how stable I have been on the Procardia and said if things stay the same for another week, I will be able to go home!! I will still be on bedrest until at least 34 weeks.

When I called the doctor on December 13th, I was terrified that these little ones were going to make an early debut. Four weeks have gone by and the boys have been soo good and patient!! There is still no telling if I will make it to 36 weeks, but I feel like it is possible. If they do come early still, they will have NICU time, but they will be at much better advantage than four weeks ago.

Every day the nurses say the babies look very healthy and that they are getting plenty of oxygen (which they can tell by thier heartbeats accelerating every now and then on the monitor). Hearing those remarks never get old and always brighten my day.

I will be so happy to finally go home, not only for me, but for Aaron too!! He sleeps on little pullout couch, faces horrible traffic getting to work from here, and has actually grown tired of hamburgers and Taco Bell!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 25

11am mini update

Just got off the monitors, and it went very well!! They decided I did not even need a new IV site for now, so once again (last time being weeks ago and only for maybe 2 days!) I am free!!!!!!!

I hope no one freezes in this crazy weather!!! I would definitely be wearing double pants, soccer socks and have three shirts on!!

6:30 am

Yesterday went pretty good. The first monitoring session was showing a few more contractions than usual, but it could be because I recieved the medication a little late, as it did begin to smooth out later.

The night monitoring session went alot better! No contractions for the 30 minutes I was monitored! I do not mean to say they have stopped, I don't think they ever will at this point/. The contractions I am having still remain painless, and I don't even know its happening unless I touch my tummy and it feels rock hard (which before I was put in the hospital, I thought that was the babies  changing position!).

The doctors have told me two different things: one said, I'm most likely stuck here until at least 32 weeks. Another doctor didn't state a time limit, just that it depended on how I do on the procardia. I am anticipating that they will keep me for a while stiil.

I was really hoping to be free of the IV, but they decided to leave me attached in case things did not go well. Today, however, my current IV site needs to be replaced (7 days max per site) so they may just create a new site but leave me unhooked till needed!! I would then be free of my literal ball and chain.

My cellphone is out of service currently due to Aaron's phone going off the deep end! His sim card is in my phone since I have the hospital phone, so any phone calls or texts sent to my cellphone will not be recieved, so call my room line if you can or email me at

Glucose today, 70, 86, 110, 105

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 24: mini update

I finally remembered to ask the doctor what my chances were of going home, and recieved the answer I expected... She told me that we will see day by day. They do not know how my body will react to being off the mag, so its going to be another waiting game, its possible that I will have to go back on it.

As of now they haven't started reducing the dosage.


They lowered the mag by half about 20 min ago and just put me on the monitors. They will give me the pill at noon and possibly turn off the mag at noon. The nurse parted with "we'll see what happens..."

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 23: 30 Weeks!!!

We have now made it to 30 weeks, and I have not experienced any new pains or contractions that I can feel since they put me back on the magnesium. A doctor (Rosenbaum) told me that they will begin to ease me off the IV tomorrow and try the pill again. They did not say what my chances are of going home, but I also forgot to ask!

Yesterday I participated in the bed rest boogie (held on Mondays) and met four other ladies who are also on some form of bed rest. I felt really lucky because at least three of the ladies were here due to thier water rupturing- one of them has been here 5 weeks already and has 5 more weeks to go!! Another lady, who will be having a c-section this Friday, is not sure if her baby has a lung!! There is a cyst covering the area and her baby will be undergoing surgey while still attatched to the umbilical cord (so the baby will not have to breathe just yet), I'm thinking to remove it and see if she has lungs.
Also, Aaron has my cellphone because his is going beserk and not working. He hasn't, to my knowledge, switched SIM cards so you may have to call my number to get a hold of him.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 21: 3 Weeks

I cannot believe 3 weeks have past since I have been here. Honestly it has not felt that long and has been a bit of a blur. I will be 30 weeks on Tuesday!!

 Hopefully all will go well when they try to ease me off the magnesium and on to an oral substitue. I have no idea what my chances are of being discharged, and I'm trying not to get my hopes up. I would just sooo love to be home again and no longer live on hospital food! Also, not having to get a new IV put in every week or so would be nice. But really, despite everything, the pro's outweigh the cons and I will stay put if need be and Aaron too!

Things are still the same, nothing new to report, which is why I skipped a few days. All is well :)

I want to thank everyone who has stopped by! Its nice way of breaking up the day for me and Aaron. And nice to see your faces again. Thank you for stocking our fridge (our parents).... I may have indulged in a sausage  dog and chicken spaghetti today... and maybe some small bites of cake and cheese cake-sooo good!!

Thanks so much Aunt Noemi for the tall and very cute tower of treats!! Everythimg I have tried-in moderation of course :)  has been wonderful, Aaron likes them too!

Tomorrow I think I will get to participate in bed rest boogie for the first time and meet other ladies who are in a similar position.